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Shocking Blue

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category Sundriesauthor LiuFeiShiErZistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 840737 Wordslatest update 2024-03-06
total hits 16Month hits 1Week hits 1
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Shocking BlueBrief introduction:

Whenever the New Age Movement occurs, children with certain willpower or supernatural abilities are called Blue Children.  Some of them have magical superpowers, can see supernatural phenomena, and even predict what will happen.
The common characteristics of Dark Blue children are high intelligence, strong intuition, and high sensitivity.
It is said that 5% of children born after 1994 are "dark blue children".  The Indigo Children have always been around us, existing as a mysterious group. It was not until the predicted doomsday came that they slowly emerged...

      Keywords:Shocking Blue LiuFeiShiErZi Shocking BlueRead the full text Shocking BlueTXT download

      Shocking Bluelatest chapter:The Road to Eternity Chapter 243 Knocking on the Mountain and Shocking the Tiger

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