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Bone God

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category Fantasyauthor ShangRaostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3985200 Wordslatest update 2024-02-29
total hits 23Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Bone GodBrief introduction:

Chu Hao, who was struggling at the bottom of society, resolutely participated in the salvage of relics after a narrow escape in order to find medicine and cure his dependent mother.
Having repeatedly survived in desperate situations and resurrected from the ashes several times, Chu Hao gradually grew into the top being in the Bone Disciple Continent.
Just when he became famous, countless demons, immortals and gods appeared on the scene.  .  .
Chu Hao was shocked to find that he and others were actually the "cows and sheep" they raised in captivity.  .  .  .  Immediately he angrily rebelled against heaven and defeated the gods.  .  .
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      Keywords:Bone God ShangRao Bone GodRead the full text Bone GodTXT download

      Bone Godlatest chapter:Volume 6 The Road to Soul Cultivation Epilogue

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