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category Fantasyauthor ZuiMengLuoZhustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3750718 Wordslatest update 2024-03-01
total hits 26Month hits 0Week hits 0
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friendzonedBrief introduction:

On a romantic Valentine’s Day night, Wang Xiao exchanged a bouquet of roses for a good guy card. After returning to the dormitory, Wang Xiao discovered that the good guy card had magical functions.  When someone praises Wang Xiao as a "good person", the good person card will increase points based on the other person's sincerity.  Good guy card points can be used to exchange for items and abilities, and can also be used to upgrade the good guy card. After the good guy card is upgraded, the good guy card will have stronger functions.
With a good person card in my hand, I can travel freely in the world.
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      Keywords:friendzoned ZuiMengLuoZhu friendzonedRead the full text friendzonedTXT download

      friendzonedlatest chapter:Volume 3: Half a Day in Life Chapter 071: The trump card

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