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war3. The Frozen Throne Chapter 66: The deadly battle ends, the magic stone is obtained

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    "Saint Seiya" is a famous comic that has been popular throughout Asia and even some Europe and the United States. Its circulation spans forty years. While it is enduring, its influence has spread to three generations.  With such an audience of hundreds of millions, discussions about the content of the work are naturally extremely rich, and among them, the Golden Zodiac Fighter, known for its gorgeous and powerful characters, is even ranked among the fans.  But no matter how you compare it, "Gemini", "Virgo" and "Leo", as recognized powerful constellations, will always be in the top three most of the time. If you include the previous generations, then "Libra" and "Aries" can also be in the top three.  foot.  In this way, let alone selecting the strongest, there are different opinions on the ranking of the top three, and it is impossible to completely convince people to fight among fans. However, when it comes to the opposing "three weak", it is  There are always fixed candidates - "Cancer", "Scorpio" and "Pisces".  And even among these three weaklings, Cancer is in an extremely embarrassing position.  The saints of this constellation do not have the scarlet needle skill of Scorpio, which is known as the most penetrating power among the saints. Nor does it have the stunning appearance and bone-corrosive poison of Pisces. Even the only signature ability "accumulation of corpse qi" has been eliminated by itself.  The Underworld's underworld warrior is very restrained, coupled with the unpleasant dove character of the contemporary Saint Dismasco, he is almost in despair from the beginning to the end. Most of the time he appears only to be knocked down by one move, serving as a background supporting role to set off the villain.  use.  And it is such a tragic constellation that has a unique skill known as "the one who falls in the middle cannot be saved".  The accumulation of corpse energy creates waves in the underworld.  The principle of this unique skill is to use the small universe to force the wavelength of a psionic medium to penetrate all material obstacles, directly shake out the enemy's soul from the body, and then drop it into the underworld. Unless there is  Open up the powerful power of the underworld and the human world, otherwise you will definitely die.  Although this trick is not famous in the main story, it led to the only emergency situation in the "Battle of the Zodiac" where Athena personally used her divine power.  Only then did Zilong successfully return to the human world without dying midway.  This behavior is tantamount to adults interfering in a fight between kindergarten children, and it reflects the extraordinary nature of this behavior from the side.  Originally, this move was extremely powerful and required a huge amount of power.  Even Dismask, the Golden Saint, can only be used as a trump card. Once used, most of the combat power will be lost, so that after the trick fails, there is no final resistance and the person is directly returned to the world.  Zilong killed him with one punch and had no choice but to die in anger.  Even if Rorschach temporarily pushed the small universe to fifty times the silver limit, it would still be impossible to fully use this move.  However, he does not need to exert all his efforts, and even if the Golden Saint comes to possess him in person, it is impossible to complete the subsequent changes, because the coordinates of Huangquan Hirapo recorded in the Cancer Combat Technique do not exist in this wizarding world.  .  When the passage to the underworld cannot be opened, this move can only separate the enemy's spirit and flesh, leaving the enemy with no control over his consciousness.  And what Rorschach needs is just to make the other party calm down.  He is not just a warrior.  There was no accident. In just three to five seconds, Rorschach took out his warhammer. He ignored the small universe that was dry for a while. With the strong physical strength of the death knight, he directly broke into these sluggish crowds and entered.  Like a flock of sheep, they shot the Death Eaters who had lost the power to resist one by one.  Before these disembodied souls could react to what was going on, they had completely lost their refuge and had to dissipate into the air.  As for the remaining hundreds of students, this strange experience may have some sequelae, but that is no longer within Rorschach's consideration.  What he has to do now is to solve the remaining troubles.  "First of all, it's Voldemort, uh" Rorschach turned his head and looked at the battle on the side, but was speechless for a moment. He spread his hands helplessly and said, "Okay, I didn't say anything." The tall man was walking slowly.  The girl blinked in confusion, then came closer, showing a happy smile, and then held the mouse that turned into an ice sculpture in her hands like a treasure, and handed it over.  It turned out that this gloomy villain found that his entire army was wiped out and his hostage methods were also ineffective. He felt chilled and tried his old tricks to escape by changing into an animal form. However, he did not expect the corpse girl who had been showing off the close combat.  Suddenly, he used the long-range skill "Icy Touch", and his miniaturized body was frozen on the spot, thus ending this entangled battle.  In an almost forgotten corner, the duel between two strange beasts has reached its final and tragic stage.  The dead horse that was resurrected by the unicorn is no longer its original vigorous horse, as if soaked in black blood.  When Rorschach looked over, the horse was tightly entangled by the giant snake, and the flesh and blood of its back and head were being torn apart by the fangs.A large area of ??dense white bones was exposed on his body, looking as ferocious as a half-skeleton war horse. The blood-red pupils were mostly weak, and he only relied on the undead creature to make the final struggle to resist.  The demonized giant snake seemed to have also fallen into a violent rage, and its body was covered with seven or eight large and small holes of flesh and blood, which were caused by the war horse's deformed sharp blade and horn. It turned out that this horn actually seemed to have inherited  The special magic power of the unicorn during life was so sharp that even with the tenacity of the Horcrux, it was still bleeding holes.  Rorschach was not surprised. This war horse was originally just a mount, not a combat pet. Its real use was in the death knight's high-speed attack, and it could produce such amazing results against the vicious giant snake incarnated as a Horcrux.  , it is completely inherited from the unicorn's magical power gain.  He stretched out his hand slightly, and the silver reins on his arms flickered for a while, and the struggling half-disabled war horse immediately dispersed into a large black mist, enveloping the flesh and blood scattered around, and turned into a billowing streak.  The black smoke finally condensed into the reins.  But until then, the giant snake, who was shocked by the enemy's disappearance, looked around, and was horrified to discover the change in the situation. It even ignored its captured master, jumped up suddenly, and flew directly towards the door.  Just in the next second, it made another loud "boom" and was knocked back at a faster speed.  At this moment, even Rorschach, who was about to take action, was slightly stunned and temporarily stopped releasing the death grip.  "Hiss, hiss, hiss -" The person who blocked the fleeing snake was a similar beast that was half as big as it. This giant beast that suddenly appeared was like a majestic black cloud as deep as ink.  After a sneak attack, he took advantage of his size and wrapped himself around like a tropical anaconda. Nagini, who was tightly entangled, was also aroused and tightened his body.  As their bodies tightened, both sides simultaneously made the sound of "crack" bones loosening. The two snakes spiraled until the end, as if they had become a knotted ball-shaped rope, and they could only bite each other.  This bite was a big loss for the even more ferocious Horcrux snake. As the python's fangs stabbed down, its nearly indestructible scales were like butter on a table knife.  , actually stabbed it to the bottom in an instant, tearing out a half-meter-long narrow bloody mouth in the blink of an eye, and large amounts of blood splashed out like ink.  In this world, apart from the all-burning fire and Gryffindor's goblin sword, there is only one kind of power that can destroy "horcruxes", which appears in the form of bloody tearing by fangs.  The fangs of the basilisk.  Sure enough, after Rorschach's clear gaze, the long-haired newcomer woman also walked out of the passage. At the same time as her, there were Xiong Shaodong, Veela, andProfessor McGonagall.  It turned out that after a short rest, the two newcomers immediately discovered that Hogwarts was actually in chaos. The giant snake Nagini came out of nowhere and led the real Death Eaters towards the crowd.  The Aurors suddenly launched an attack, and relying on the ability of Horcruxes to be immune to curses, the Death Eaters actually staged a wonderful counter-attack, making a well-planned kidnapping fake show come true.  In desperation, the newcomers who gathered together had to wait silently. After the main force of Death Eaters left, they teamed up with Professor McGonagall to knock down the remaining people outside and came to help again.  After Luo Xia understood the situation, he nodded, gave up his thoughts of taking action again, and stopped intervening in the brutal fight between the two snakes.  Counting tonight's results, his record has been improved to the lower bronze level. He will not gain much from the Horcruxes that are also in the bronze level. With his own absolute advantage, it is better to add an extra point of income to the newcomers.  "However, in terms of profit, the biggest one is actually this" Luo Xia lowered his head, took out the oval red stone from his waist, and gently rubbed the cold and smooth texture with his fingertips.  There was a wave of hesitation in my heart that I didn't know where it came from.  The Book of Reincarnation also turned the pages again, slowly unfolding the information about this treasure.  "The Philosopher's Stone/Philosopher's Stone/Stone of Immortality: The theory originates from Aristotle's 'Theory of Four Elements' in Greece. It is the ultimate work of alchemy, created by Nicome, the world-view alchemist of the 'Harry Potter series'  Handcrafted by Le, it incorporates the deep mysteries of the "Jewish Book of Abraham" (Pokofabrahamthejew). It can turn stone into gold and has the special effect of turning stone into gold: the magic stone inherits the legendary golden miraculous effect.  By placing precious metals and magic stones in water at the same time, you can obtain gold of equal quality. Due to the magic power limit in the magic stone, you can only create up to twelve gu gold in one day. Immortality: Use special potion science.  Theoretically, the secret elixir of immortality can be created with the help of the magic stone. The effect is equivalent to constant physical health for a certain period of time.In a healthy state, immune to common diseases and the negative effects of cell aging, when the effectiveness of the potion disappears and the user does not drink the elixir again in time, the user's body will return to its normal natural order.  **Remodeling: Consume part of the original power of the magic stone at one time to create a new body without a soul. The physical quality must not exceed the upper level of bronze. Each use will consume 1/3 of the magic power and requires the memory image of the resurrected person.  , hair cells, soul essence.  Note: The magic stone does not have the effect of 'revoking souls'. If the deceased does not have the ability to have independent souls, and does not have the means to store and invest the soul, the resurrected corpse will be a living corpse without reason and memory.  " "It seems that I will be able to see you again soon"  " Staring at the row of text annotations, Luo Xia had such a thought in his heart.
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