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war3. The Frozen Throne Chapter 64: One-horned Black Rider, Roaring Dragon Soul

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    Frankly speaking, Rorschach never thought of himself as an indecisive and good-natured person.  Because his childhood experience was very different from ordinary people, he had seen the dark side of the world early on, and he had already developed the habit of never being afraid to speculate on people's hearts in the most sinister ways. The hard life alone for many years made it even more difficult for him to  Produce universal benevolent value orientations such as sympathy and mercy.  Because of this, in the last "Frozen Throne" world, he was able to kill the necromancer he met for the first time without hesitation after the other party lost the power to resist; against a tall and charming beauty like Farina,  You can also deliberately make love with her first, arouse her desire, and then behead her in the blink of an eye.  Because that is the enemy, and as the instinctive starting point for ordinary people to survive, no matter whether they are men, women, old or beautiful, as long as they hinder their own lives, they will only have a bloody way to survive, and there is no room for mercy.  But no matter how indifferent and lonely he is, Rorschach does not lack basic morality and concepts of good and evil. At least he has never had the extreme idea of ??retaliating against society, nor is he the kind of person who, after being hit by setbacks, does not reflect on growing and becoming stronger, but instead takes advantage of others.  A pervert who attacks weaker kindergarten children with a knife.  Therefore, when facing the hundreds of children who were clearly controlled by the "Imperius Curse", Rorschach couldn't help but hesitate.  Generally speaking, in terms of strength, both his high-level Silver Cosmos and the Death Knight's professional abilities have been raised to a bottleneck with the nourishment from the source. Taking into account the several hidden cards at hand, Rorschach thought to himself that a head-on confrontation  Voldemort himself in his heyday would not have been the least bit concerned, and the ragtag army on the opposite side could kill them all in just a few breaths once they were intent on murdering each other.  But once you take action, it means that the tragic scene of blood and water will inevitably appear.  The small universe of the Saint series is only good at explosive speed, and the fine control of power is inherently weak. After all, it is too difficult to hit hundreds of attacks in one second, and to control the landing point of the punch at the same time.  In the early stage of the story in the original work, Zilong's experience of failing to stop his attack and accidentally killing his fellow disciple Wang Hu is a typical negative example.  As for pity and sympathy, they seem ridiculous in this infinite space.  He himself is just a reincarnation adventurer who cannot protect himself, and must struggle to survive in dangerous mission worlds. He is not even in a better situation than the carefree plot characters in front of him.  How could the act of holding a fictional character hostage threaten a cold-blooded adventurer who was just a passer-by?  But at the moment when he was about to take action, Luo Xia suddenly found that his movements were slow, and his arm that could make a sonic boom was too heavy to lift. It seemed that there was a voice in his heart, stopping the urge to punch.  With the desire to kill, he couldn't hold it back Luo Xia took a deep breath, and suddenly a thought came to his mind, and he vaguely felt that if he really took action, it would probably cause serious consequences in his life.  Dire consequences.  However, there is not no way to compromise Just when his heart moved slightly and a vague idea came up, a "squeak" suddenly sounded from the crowd standing quietly opposite, and everyone watched.  Underneath, a gray-haired mouse appeared out of nowhere, jumped up from the ground, its tiny body expanded and swayed in mid-air, and in the blink of an eye, it transformed into a short and obscene old man with red hair.  It was Voldemort, to be precise, it was Peter Pettigrew whose body was possessed by Voldemort.  At this point, Rorschach suddenly realized the reason why the opponent suddenly disappeared. At the moment when the Meteor Fist reached his body, the opponent used the wizard's Animagus ability and became the size of a mouse less than three inches long, with his body curled up.  into a light ball, thereby avoiding most of the power.  But even so, he was seriously injured. Large parts of the neat gray wizard robe were torn, and his body was covered with dripping blood. His right leg and left arm were bent into strange postures, and they were obviously broken.  However, this gloomy dark wizard obviously didn't care about the physical condition of his temporary host. As soon as he appeared, he hid behind the crowd and shouted sternly: "Kill him!" As soon as he finished speaking, not only those who followed  The die-hard members of the Dark Lord, together with the student captives who were being controlled on the side, immediately began to attack.  Rorschach hesitated for a moment, and saw lights flashing in the sky. Hundreds of colorful beams of light came down like raindrops, with various negative spells attached, turning into covering spells and pouring down on them.  Rorschach did not dare to forcefully solve these strange spells, so he jumped up quickly, grabbed the white wizard who fell to the ground with one hand, and quickly stepped back. At the same time, a light green rune ball automatically appeared on his body, and the white wizard fell to the ground.  Among them, 12/10 of the colored lights that came after them were repulsed.? And Dumbledore also woke up from this round of blows, and also shouted loudly: "Tom This is a matter between us. If you take advantage of innocent children like this, even if you succeed in the future, you will only become the whole world.  The public enemy of the wizarding world will not get any sincere support from wizards! ""When you die, those poor and weak reptiles will naturally know to obey the strong!" At this time of life and death, Voldemort can't do much.  He simply put aside all his scruples and said fiercely.  As he spoke, the Dark Lord revealed another prepared trump card.  From the opened tunnel door, a huge black shadow suddenly flew out. Accompanied by a strange "hissing" sound, a giant snake more than ten meters long suddenly rushed in, with a layer of microscopic black scales floating on it.  The bright red light accelerated instantly, covering a distance of more than twenty meters in an instant. At this time, Rorschach had just avoided those spell barrages, but when he couldn't avoid it, he was caught up in mid-air, and the ferocious snake head suddenly rushed forward.  , biting towards his arm.  Luo Xia was slightly startled. When he saw the giant snake's blood-red eyes, he contacted the original work and immediately remembered its identity.  This giant snake named "Nagini" is not an innate magical creature like the basilisk. It is just an ordinary viper, but after being implanted with the remnant soul of Voldemort, it became a living soul with life.  Although the Horcrux is half the size of the Millennium Basilisk, due to its "immortal" nature, it is immune to most spells and is almost difficult to destroy in any way. It moves extremely quickly and is extremely difficult to deal with.  "It seems that the three-headed dog named 'Luwei' was injected with venom by this viper and hanged alive" Luo Xia suddenly remembered the corpse of the giant dog on the way here, and then  Somewhat enlightened.  Just as his thoughts were turning, the dark giant snake accelerated again in the air, and its bloody mouth met his arm. The distance was so close that Rorschach could almost smell the rotten and overwhelming smell of the snake's mouth.  .  "At my current level, it's still a bit reluctant to use that move. At least I can't be disturbed, soget out of the way!" Luo Xia didn't panic, just smiled coldly, and suddenly there was an extra circle on his arm.  The entangled light silver reins seemed to be woven from the mane of some strange beast. The soft white mane swayed in the wind. In the next second, the reins burst out with a bright and huge white light.  "As if thousands of flash bombs bloomed at the same time, in the blurry light group like a pure white little sun, there was a strange and high-pitched long neigh, and the figure of a horse suddenly appeared.  "His!" After all, the giant snake leaping up in the air was just a demonized Horcrux, not the mythical feathered serpent with wings on its back. Unable to move and dodge, it was directly hit by the speeding shadow.  Rising up with a charge, the snake's body immediately fell more than twenty meters under the impact of Pei Ran's force. Finally, with a muffled "bang" sound, it hit the gray wall behind, and then slowly slid down.  .  It was only then that everyone present saw the image of the giant horse. It was not as pure and flawless as they had imagined. Instead, it was as black as dyed with ink. Its body was extremely strong and tall, and under its dark fur,  Inches of ferocious iron-like muscles bulged out, and only the eyes were blood red. What was even more surprising was the twisted spiral horn growing on his forehead. From a distance, it looked like a sharp, curved blade.  .  Voldemort, who was behind him, was stunned for a moment. He noticed that there was a vaguely long and narrow scar about a foot long on the neck of the strange black horse. He suddenly came to his senses and exclaimed in surprise: "This is that  A dead unicorn? " Luo Xia also dropped his feet to the ground at this time. He didn't answer, but just raised his hand. After receiving the order, the majestic black horse immediately neighed and his body  It turned into a jet-black lightning, and in a blink of an eye it rushed in front of the giant snake that had recovered. It jumped up with both hooves and stepped down hard again.  With a muffled sound of "bang", the marble floor around the demonic snake suddenly cracked into large spiderweb-like lines, and a large amount of fluffy powder turned into a circle of obvious air waves and spread out.  The giant snake that was hit hard also jumped up in pain and strangled and bit the one-horned monster horse. However, it was dexterously avoided and received a side kick from it instead.  These two strange beasts, one as fast as lightning and the other tough and tough, suddenly fell into a lasting entanglement.  On the other side, Voldemort immediately reacted and ignored the basilisk fighting on the side. Instead, he waved his wand again and shouted: "Everyone use Avada Kedavra!" Following his order,  The surrounding wizards immediately raised their wands, and hundreds of green lights of different shades flashed simultaneously.  However, he himself did not take action. Instead, he kept drawing circles in the air. Before the scattered and dense green light in the air was emitted, it condensed as if guided, and finally turned into a line of stickyThe dark green flame, like a ferocious and twisted green-scaled snake, seemed to have life and spirituality. Following Voldemort's wand, it was no longer just a directional straight-line attack, but turned into a zigzag ink-colored stream of light towards him.  Rorschach strikes.  But this time, he made a mistake.  Although when everyone uses the death curse in unison, the single curse can be integrated by him because of the same attributes, and he can pursue it with his superb black magic. The lethality is ten times more powerful than the messy spells.  , however, it also lost its ever-changing effect and only retained its pure lethal properties.  And Rorschach also lost his only fear.  He raised his head slightly, not even interested in evading. He just spread his fingers forward, and the surging dark green wave met the slender white fingertips, but it was like encountering a black hole, flowing endlessly.  After being absorbed, it took only three to five seconds for the fleeting effort. The death power that was enough to kill an adult dragon instantly disappeared completely without any effect.  But it can't be said to be useless. With the replenishment of the huge flow of death, the small universe from the Pluto system in Rorschach's body once again burned uncontrollably, and a dark purple blazing flame unconsciously rose up from his body, making his whole person look a little blurry.  Standing up, at this moment, his power was rising step by step, vaguely touching the limit of the silver universe.  The fiftieth times the explosion.  After reaching this limit, Rorschach's power no longer increased, but more than ten transparent shadows suddenly appeared behind him - a long and narrow monster with spread wings, a roaring giant more than 20 meters high, huge and  A flying alien dragon.  It¡¯s like a dragon exhibition in the world of Harry Potter. Apart from those jagged giant images, there are black dragons from the Heshidry Islands, lion green dragons that live in Wales, one-horned pterosaurs from Romania, and  More than a dozen giant dragons from all over the world circled behind Luo Xia, turning into clear shadows and showing lifelike postures.  Despite arousing such a majestic momentum, Luo Xia, as the person involved, did not feel happy, and said with some understanding: "It seems that my small cosmic power has taken a shortcut after all, and it is not as good as the orthodox Hades warriors who have spent thousands of years polishing and purifying it."  , there are too many impurities, and usually nothing can be seen. After reaching the limit of the silver small universe, the unpurified giant beast spirituality hidden in it emerged again, hindering my further breakthrough. It seems that as long as these foreign dragon souls are not purified for one day,  I'm afraid it won't be possible to go any further" Thinking like this, he raised his head and looked at Voldemort, who was also in shock in the crowd on the other side, and frowned: "It just so happens that this unexpected increase in power is enough to use  That's a move, but you can't let this guy interrupt it, then" Luo Xia suddenly showed a smile and closed his spread fingers inward.  "The ghoul is summoned!" At the same time, countless purple-black fine lines appeared on the floor in front of his feet. The black lines continued to climb outward and twist into complex runes, turning into a three-dimensional circle with a radius of three in the blink of an eye.  The floor in the center of a large circle of 1.3 meters was no longer the pure white stone, leaving only a bottomless black plane, as if it had turned into an extra-dimensional passage leading to an unknown area.  And the next second, a graceful figure slowly emerged on the black water surface like a mirror lake.
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