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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Prose -> Tears

005 Who Advises Who

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    The call finally came, and my cousin said that he would take his father to the city by car immediately.

    In fact, it was only a month ago that my father went to work in other places, but I feel as if a very long time has passed.  My heart was full of ups and downs, which was the state of mind when the closest relatives were about to reunite after a long absence.  Of course, compared with other people's pure joy, at this moment, my heart is more worried and regretful.  I regret that I didn't stick to my own ideas and try my best to dispel the idea of ??my father going out to work.

    The journey of more than 20 kilometers passed in a flash under the wheels of the car. When I received a call from my cousin again, I knew that my father had arrived.  I came downstairs with trepidation.  Eyes fixed on the door

    A familiar figure came out, and it could be seen that the footsteps were a little sloppy, but the waist was still straight.

    I couldn't help rubbing my eyes.  Although his face was still calm, he felt as if his heart had been stabbed sharply.  it hurts!  Because the still familiar face looked so haggard and scorched at this moment.  Thinking of the scene where my father was alone, without the care of his relatives, and despite his physical abnormalities, he still insisted on working, there was an urge to burst into tears.  But, I know I can't.  At this moment, I have to endure.  I can't let my father see the slightest flaw.

    "Dad" He tried his best to keep his tone steady.

    "Well" Father's tone was also very steady, and there was no abnormality in his expression, "Go up." After finishing his father, he took the lead to walk towards the stairs.

    I followed closely behind, just about to give me a hand, but then I realized that excessive performance would easily reveal flaws, so I changed to covert protection.  Opening his arms slightly, he leaned against his father's back.  In this way, once an unexpected situation occurs, I can respond in the first time.

    Although my father tried his best to appear as normal, I could still feel his strain.  Even more than a month ago, my father climbed up to the first floor with a whole bag of rice, and he didn't feel as breathless as he does now.  My father's performance made my heart feel more and more heavy.

    After the cousin came up, he chatted and comforted a few words before leaving.

    After my cousin left, I started a powerful persuasion offensive against my father.

    "Dad, I have agreed with my sister to go to Nanjing!"

    "Why are you going to Nanjing?" My father asked dissatisfiedly.

    "Examination. Nanjing University Hospital is reassuring."

    "What about the inspection results in Tongxiang?"

    Father's tone seemed to be a little loose, so I immediately regained my spirits.  "It's okay. Anyway, the inspection results in Tongxiang were sent by fax. We can also accept faxes when we arrive in Nanjing." I replied confidently.

    "I still feel that there is not much difference between Nanjing and Hangzhou, so why bother to check again? Not only is it expensive, laborious, but also time-consuming." Father's stubbornness broke out again.

    "I've asked before. General hospitals also need to conduct necessary examinations before treatment. After arriving in Nanjing, check first. After the report from Tongxiang comes out, it is estimated that treatment can be carried out directly. This can save time." I said  Unwilling to give up, so continue to persuade.

    "You mean to go to Nanjing for treatment?" My father finally understood what I meant.

    "Well, Nanjing University Hospital's technology is good, and it is more reassuring to go there for treatment." There is no need to hide this at all, so I answered very clearly.

    "I asked at home (the hometown in the countryside), and so-and-so (referring to the barefoot doctor in Murakami) said that esophageal cancer surgery is a minor operation, and the Municipal People's Hospital can do it."

    Although my father didn't directly refuse, his meaning was already very obvious.  Hearing this, I said anxiously, "No way! I'm worried about going to the Municipal People's Hospital!"

    "Do you know what causes the most cancers here?"

    Facing my father's question, I shook my head in confusion.

    "Esophageal cancer!" my father said very positively, "Because there are many chemical companies here and the water and air pollution is serious, among the many cancers, esophageal cancer has always been at the top of the list! (I don't know where my father's statistics come from,  Is it accurate? But, combined with the actual situation in the local area, I still believe a little bit.)" Father paused intentionally, and then continued, "Then do you know, where our patients with esophageal cancer are generally accepted?  treat?"

    I haven't really studied this aspect. Although I have already guessed my father's intentions secretly, but I can't question this, so I can only shake my head helplessly.

    "City People's Hospital!" The father said with a little pride, "Think about it, every year we have a large number of patients going there for surgery.?Where can their level be worse?  Even if it was not possible in the first place, after a long period of many practical exercises, even a piece of wood has become an expert.  "

    I know that the possibility of persuasion success is already very low.  Therefore, the mood is inevitably a little low.  "Dad, I still think it's safer to go to Nanjing." I insisted weakly.

    "Going to Nanjing, there is another problem, and that is funding." My father and I have completely reversed our roles, and now it has evolved into my father's counseling and consoling me.  Fifty to sixty percent can be reimbursed. If you go to Nanjing, you may not be able to reimburse a penny. You have just bought a house not long ago, and the loan has not been paid off"

    How can money be more important than life?  Therefore, I could not listen any longer, and immediately interrupted my father with a word.  "Dad! Don't worry about money, I will find a way!"

    "Think of a way, think of a way What can you do to get such a small salary for a month?" The father's tone suddenly became severe, "Don't argue, we will go to Tongxiang first after the inspection report comes out.  If the Municipal People¡¯s Hospital really can¡¯t do anything, then it¡¯s not too late for us to go to Nanjing!¡± My father knew that I insisted on going to Nanjing because I cared about him, so he couldn¡¯t bear to really blame me.  It is very rare for such a stubborn father not to say anything.

    Judging from my father's temper, my persuasion this time should have played a certain role.  But can cancer treatment be delayed?  I can't wait to take my father to Nanjing now.  The goal was not achieved, but I, who was familiar with my father's temperament, knew that it would not be of much use to say anything more at this time, so I stood there with an ugly face.

    My father is a smart man, and when he saw this situation, he continued, "What's more, the results of the examination haven't come out yet! Maybe it's benign, and maybe there's no need for surgery." (Remember this site  URL:
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