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Text Chapter 485: Wingman Kingdom and Lei's World Map

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    Lei finally entered the middle of the Land of Light.

    This is the pioneering land of the Yi people. The Yi people who live here have migrated here one after another in recent decades, and gradually multiplied here. As for the core area of ??the Yi people, it is further east.

    This land is very rich.  There is abundant rainfall and abundant water sources.

    More importantly, the territory here is extremely vast, and this land of light should be much larger than the giant island of Ruhe.  Thousands of beasts run together on the earth, and various animals live in the jungle.

    When Lei passed by in an aircraft, groups of beasts could be seen drinking water by the river below, which was extremely harmonious.  Lei Kanruo couldn't help but said at this scene: "It's really the same as the heaven on earth!"

    The monster with a big head behind nodded: "Yes, yes!" The voice just fell.

    A group of winged demons rushed out, and the large and small winged demons immediately emptied the beasts by the river and ate them up.  Looking at the bloody scene below, Lei couldn't help scratching the iron skull.

    Said: "The world is beautiful, but also cruel." The big-headed demon still nodded: "Yes, yes!"

    For some reason, Lei felt that the other party was mocking him.

    But looking back at No. 3's not-so-smart appearance, I felt that I had thought too much.  Zhou said: "Number Three, you should learn to think instead of agreeing with me."

    Number three shook the flame inside his head, as if he was saying if he saw it, there was no brain in it.  Lei Ren continued to say: "The devil thinks by the magic pattern circuit endowed by the devil pyramid." The deeper he went, the less and less Yirun's residence was found.

    Yiren cast our towns and villages under the mountains and slopes.

    But even a big village outside that looks like a fortress, as if it is defending against something.  Opening up the wilderness is not a difficult thing.

    In the wilderness, there are only weak and strong beasts, terrible poisonous insects, unknown dangers and death traps.  More importantly, there are all kinds of monsters in the wilderness.

    In recent years, no appalling corpse beast has been born in the wilderness.

    At the same time, there is not much harmony between these winged pioneers and nobles. It is not uncommon to see them secretly or even go to war because of materials, mines, and territories during the development.

    While the Borderlands, where conflict and death often erupt, are often surrounded by cursed forces, resurrected corpses.

    That also made the Yi people in the inland feel fearful about opening up the land and territory, and those who were willing to stay away from the inner land to open up the territory were naturally a group of Yi people with a relatively strong atmosphere.

    That's why Ray is in the scene we're seeing now.

    While flying in the sky, Lei took out his notebook to record what he saw, and wrote his travel log.  "The Yiren established a civilization there, established a city, and even a country."

    "In farther places, if there are fewer winged people." The less he saw, the more cautious Lei's tone was.

    That should not be the kingdom of the winged people in the records of the Matales, the land of civilization established by flying over the desert of the sun.  The arrival of the aircraft also caused a small-scale panic in the Wingman town.

    Along the way, every village and town was on alert, and some of them were delayed in receiving the news, while others seemed to be in a hurry.  Among them, the Yiyi people took the initiative to attack, attacking Lei's aircraft in groups.

    It's a pity that we couldn't even catch up with the colorful lights coming out of the thunder aircraft, so we could only roar and shout in front.  Lei Youzai drove the aircraft around and ignored us.

    At the very end, Lei finally saw a stone city built against a mountain.  Does the city well have a city wall?

    Because there are no common bungalow houses like this in the city.

    Those buildings rely on the mountain peaks to open up, and they are built layer by layer. It looks like a small cake, with various low-level fortresses and round towers built under the layers of cake.

    There is no waterfall flowing up from the top of the mountain, just along the canals opened by the city, pouring up layer by layer, supplying the Yi people in the city.  Few wooden doors were opened under the building, and groups of Winged Men came out of the doors.

    A small number of Winged Men are standing under the abutment layer after layer.

    We hold weapons and watch Lei's aircraft in the sky, at any time

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    Ready to flap your wings and flyFlying backwards, will it fly back to Evil Island again?

    At that time, the gods came up with an idea: "Here you draw all the places you pass along the way and draw them into a map." "Then combine the maps of Evil Island and Matalie Peninsula, and maybe you can find the  What's the problem?"

    The thoughts in Lei's heart immediately moved and became more open.  "Yeah, draw a world map!"

    "Your travel log records all of your ultra-travel. Combining the routes you have passed along the way, the worlds and domains whose locations are not yet known, you will definitely be able to know where there is a problem."

    Until now, Ray still thinks that he may have a problem somewhere during the trip.

    The gods said: "This must be the widest and most incredible map in that world, because there is no one in that world who has gone further than you."

    "And the map you drew and your past experiences must have become legends before."

    Lei grabbed the iron skull with good intentions: "Thank you, Mr. Gods, for his praise. The purpose when you set off was actually just to see what the place where the sun rises looks like, and it's not so small."

    At that time, there was also movement under the dark holy mountain, and a sky envoy was sent to the world.  But I am not here to deliver the oracle, but also to inspect the Yiren Kingdom.

    In the towering white temple, a weak eighth-rank lower sky envoy stood behind the gushing spring, waiting for the order from the temple.  Very slowly, the voice came from the temple.

    "Go and find out where this meteor went."

    "This meteor contains unprecedented power, we must find it." The next sky envoy accepted the order and said with a solemn expression.


    "You will definitely find this meteor."

    Yi Yi's wings vibrated, turning into a ray of light and ascending to the sky.

    At the same time, it was accompanied by bursts of falling white light, with phantoms of black feathers outside the light.

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    Chapter 485: Winged Kingdom and Lei's World Map Free reading:,!

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