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Main text 8. Sakura's extremely difficult three days

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    Speaking of two ends,? For Amanomoto Sakura, whom Niu Renyi cared about, during the forty-eight hours of her coma, the girl actually had a very bad life as Niu Renyi expected.

    It's just that, unlike Niu Renyi's expectation, what she experienced was more complicated than Niu Renyi's imagination.

    Time went back forty-eight hours ago, when the sky in the distance had just turned pale, and Sakura had just woken up from her sleep!

    In the dream, she dreamed that Niu Renyi and her were separated forever.

    In the last scene of the dream, the girl tried to grab the boy's hand, but what she caught was nothing.

    Such a prophetic dream made Sakura break out in cold sweat the moment she was awakened.

    She looked around and breathed a sigh of relief when she confirmed that she was dreaming.

    She was still in the limousine arranged by her father, besides the servants, there was a mobile phone charging not far away.

    ? Looking out of the car, it was still protected by the strict security personnel of the S Division outside the car.

    The girl picked up her phone and checked the time. It was four o'clock in the morning.  Two hours and twelve minutes had passed since she last checked the time.

    According to the girl's original biological clock, she would not be able to wake up at this time in the past.

    As usual, if she fell asleep in the early morning, she would never be woken up if she didn't sleep all day long!  !

    However, because of the uneasiness in his heart, and because he always cared about Niu Renyi even in his sleep, he finally woke up in a situation where he was thinking day by day.

    After confirming that she was indeed asleep, the girl couldn't help but blame herself for falling asleep.  She thought to herself: No wonder I had a nightmare, everything is God punishing her.

    Judging from the current situation, after learning about the occurrence of Skola in Tokyo, combined with the failure of the jade card connection, all the evidence shows that the person who threatened Niu Renyi's life and the person who caused the Tokyo Skola incident were very close.  Probably the same group of people!

    Thinking of such a terrifying existence staring at her sweetheart, she could still fall asleep.

    Xiao Sakura couldn't help but slapped herself on the right cheek with her right hand, and then woke herself up from the original confusion.

    Seeing that Uncle Ge Cheng still didn't give her an answer about Niu Renyi on the phone, the girl comforted herself that no news is the best news, at least it means that Niu Renyi has not confirmed what happened.

    Thinking so self-deceivingly, the girl then took out the jade card to check the latest news within the organization.

    She wanted to see what adjustments had been made by the headquarters of the S Branch of the National Security Group in Kyoto in the past two hours.

    After flipping through the information, Sakura's brows became more and more furrowed.

    In the public notification group of the s department, Japan today is completely chaotic.

    This does not refer to the ordinary level, but refers to the riots of the ghost world and the blood clan!

    Due to the Sigora incident, a large number of revenant souls were born, and a large number of revenant souls attacking ordinary people appeared in Tokyo.

    Due to the large number, the entire Tokyo Metropolitan National Security Section s Section has issued an emergency rescue order to the National Security Section s Section, hoping that commissioners from other nearby areas can come to the capital to assist in the rescue.

    The article emphasizes that if the large number of dead souls cannot be gathered in the first place, then the entire Tokyo will also become a dead city!

    Not only will the ghost king who is enough to cholera all living beings be born, but it will also cause public security management in other surrounding areas of Japan.

    At the same time, an unprecedented blood clan riot broke out in Tokyo due to the Scola incident. A large number of blood clans attacked crowd gathering places indiscriminately in order to replace the blood irradiated by nuclear radiation.

    So much so that Tenda Hotel Xinqiao Branch has been lost!  In order to suppress the riots, the military even used planes to carry out indiscriminate bombing!

    And this kind of news also made Xiao Sakura very cold.

    Sakura remembered it clearly.  There are still my classmates in the hotel. If this is bombed indiscriminately, wouldn't the entire Kyoto No. 3 baseball team be gone!

    Apart from the bad news above, the thing that disturbed Sakura the most was that she was asleep.

    People from the Information Section of the National Security Group in Kyoto sent a text message to Sakura, which said that the group led by Ge Cheng lost contact.

    This kind of disconnection is different from the previous signal disappearance, but really disappears.

    Two hours ago, the jade card connection in Nagano Prefecture returned to normal.

    Hattori Konan and others who had lost contact with each other also got in touch one after another.

    Those who were originally assigned to protect Niu Renyi sent letters saying that during the protection mission, they were controlled by some powerful illusion in a barrier.

    During the period, I was with a group of people who claimed to be "??¡ªNiu Renyi is his own son!

    After telling all the above facts, Ge Cheng also stroked Xiao Ying's hair with trembling hands.  The consoling girl with earnest words:

    "Miss, we were obviously deceived! That kid is most likely an undercover agent sent by the Uesugi family in our capital! You can't make mistakes because of feelings."

    Even so, Sakura still shook her head with tears in her eyes, unwilling to believe what Ge Cheng said.

    From her point of view, even if she killed her, she would not believe that all these years of life-and-death dependence were all deceitful by Niu Renyi.

    Afterwards, Sakura asked Ge Cheng a few detailed questions one after another, and finally asked what happened to Ge Cheng's jade plaque, and why he came back in such a state of embarrassment now.

    Ge Cheng also had an extraordinarily serious expression when answering this question.

    He said that not long after Karuizawa's tactical retreat, they planned to drive back to Gunma and Amanomoto Sakura for a round.

    Unexpectedly, almost when the car drove to the place where Nagano County and Saitama County meet, the six of them in the car were suddenly attacked by thermal weapons that fell from the sky.

    The opponent first fired indiscriminately with hot weapons, smashing their vehicles into a sieve.  Then they led them to an intersection and detonated the bomb!

    ?Because the opponent was still using a very special anti-magic thermobaric bomb, after this kind of thermal weapon exploded on the body, the injuries caused were also so that the commissioner of the national security team could not recover immediately after being injured.

    For a while, the other commissioners who were in the same car as Ge Cheng were either killed or disabled by the bombing.

    Even the jade token that he carried with him was destroyed by the air pressure of the anti-magic thermobaric bomb!

    And Ge Cheng himself also sneaked into the nearby forest with his seriously injured body because the fragments of the bomb contained irreparable magic power, and while avoiding the unknown enemy that attacked him, he shook off the latter.

    This withdrawal took a full four hours, and it was finally easy to completely shake off the opponent.

    After listening to everything, Amanomoto Sakura's heart became more and more heavy.

    While feeling ashamed that Ge Cheng had sacrificed so much for herself, she herself became more and more uneasy about the current situation in Japan as a whole.

    Leaving aside whether Niu Renyi was alive or not, and whether he had lied to her for two years, let's take Ge Cheng's attack as an example. This clearly shows that there is a force that wants to attack class S of the Kyoto National Security Group!

    Is it the Uesugi family?

    Or the Chinese forces sent away by Niu Renyi?

    Or maybe there are other forces that have been watching the fire from the sidelines, trying to reap the benefits!

    This kind of chill shrouded in conspiracy completely made Sakura's hair stand on end.

    After driving Ge Cheng to the nearest small hospital, she also watched the whole treatment process of Ge Cheng.

    Due to Ge Cheng's strong self-healing ability, the doctor had to cut open the healed wounds before taking out the fragments of the bomb during the operation.

    ?As a result, the entire operation was completed, and the doctor took out nearly two kilograms of shrapnel from Ge Cheng's body.

    This kind of extraction also made the doctors who performed the surgery keep shouting that Ge Cheng was not a human being, and that he could still survive this kind of injury.

    It is no exaggeration to say that this kind of injury is almost equivalent to a person stepping on a landmine weighing two kilograms, and then all the fragments of the explosion are embedded in the injured person's body.

    According to common sense, normal people die early.  But Ge Cheng survived, and he could get out of bed and walk normally!

    Seeing the expressions of the doctors, these doctors seem to have plans to leave Ge Cheng in slices for experimentation.

    But for this kind of ordinary doctor, the fate is doomed!

    There are usually only two endings left for them - amnesia or total amnesia!



    The subsequent outcome was as it should be. All the staff of this hospital who met Ge Cheng and Tian Zhibenying and his party that day were all formatted in memory.

    Along with being formatted together, all the video surveillance of this hospital this month.

    ?In order to send Ge Cheng back to Kyoto to receive better treatment, in the end, the S Section of the National Security Group in Kyoto also specially arranged military helicopters to escort Amanomoto Sakura and Ge Cheng back to Beijing.

    On the helicopter, Shuyou and others were transported back together. They were not only the security guards who escorted Amanomoto Sakura to each other, but also witnesses of the incident.

    Looking at Ge Cheng who had fallen asleep in front of her, Xiao Ying was completely sleepless, thinking about whether there was some misunderstanding during this period, whether Niu Renyi was involved in some transnational espionage incident.

    She didn't think that Niu Renyi would betray her. At most, she would do something that she couldn't tell herself temporarily, but would prove to be beneficial to her in the end.

    But Niu Renyi's story makes sense, but Misaka Mashiro and Akido Dingzhen's strengths are not known from where to explain them?

    At the same time, it is also shocking that Niu Renyi's junior sister can be strong enough to fight Ge Cheng.

    The most important thing is whether Niu Renyi is still alive!

    Was the jade plaque destroyed like Ge Cheng?  !

    Still have died together with terrorist organizations abroad!thing.

    But Niu Renyi's story makes sense, but Misaka Mashiro and Akido Dingzhen's strengths are not known from where to explain them?

    At the same time, it is also shocking that Niu Renyi's junior sister can be strong enough to fight Ge Cheng.

    The most important thing is whether Niu Renyi is still alive!

    Was the jade plaque destroyed like Ge Cheng?  !

    Still have died together with overseas terrorist organizations.
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