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Text New Chapter Chapter 524 Strange circle before the 17th century

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    All superhumans are going to die?

    The few people in the laboratory seemed to have just been fished out of the water. They were bloated, their skin was white, their eyeballs were rotten, and even when they spoke, they were lifeless.

    Wang Xuan looked at them and shuddered. The 17th century has passed. What is their state?

    I'm leaving right away, how about you?  Wang Xuan responded and looked at them. Although the cold and frightening atmosphere was growing here, he still wanted to talk to them.

    What happened before the 17th century, why did the old saints disappear, what were they doing in these laboratories, and what did they experience?

    The pale light made a rattling sound, and there were some glitches that flickered on and off. Several people didn't speak, and all looked at him quietly.

    Seeing this, Wang Xuan turned around and left.

    This kind of feeling is not very good. In a dead place that has existed for more than ten centuries, it is cold and silent, and other people can't see anything, but he is talking to people.

    He was a little confused, should he retreat like this, or continue to go deeper?

    He felt that the eyes from behind were always on his back, which made him a little upset.

    Wang Xuan turned his head sharply and looked at those people. Their eyes were bleeding, and two shocking red streaks appeared on their faces. They were silent and lifeless.

    He didn't speak, turned around again, out of their sight, and walked towards other areas.

    Wang Xuan did not leave, but continued to explore in silence.

    A laboratory is larger, the door is open, and some of the scenery inside can be seen. He saw several people again, all wearing white coats.

    Obviously, they are important figures in this laboratory, and they were all silent at first, as if petrified there.

    As Wang Xuan approached, they turned around slowly and looked at him together. Their problems were more serious, their faces were pale and rotten.

    And, repeating the same words, they asked him why he hadn't left yet.

    Wang Xuan was very disrespectful this time. He didn't speak at first, but his spiritual eyes were extremely bright, and his eyes fell on them, staring carefully.

    Just as he thought, these people do not have a real physical body. The so-called whitening, rotten and bleeding eyeballs are all special states of the spiritual body.

    Mental rot?  What's happening here?

    In fact, when Lu Yun, Li Hongchen and others told him earlier that only the spirit can enter here and walk towards the birthplace of the myth, Wang Xuan guessed something.

    Even if there are creatures, the section of the world that cannot be entered by the physical body should be in this form.

    Can you tell me what happened here in the past, why the old saints died, and what experiments are you doing?  Wang Xuan spoke.  This time, he was direct and did not avoid it.  Are you a foreign enemy invading?  Contrary to his expectations, this time, one of them did not repeat those words, but said this sentence.

    Then, while his eyes were dripping with bright red blood, the eyeballs emitted red light.

    Alarm, foreign enemies invade.  He spoke so hastily.

    Wang Xuan didn't want to engage in meaningless battles, and he didn't know the specific situation here at all, so he retreated immediately and left this area.

    In this area, in those laboratories, no matter whether they are pitch-dark or brightly lit, there are pale faces looking out.  Wei Wei Wei

    There was a huge impact sound, and behind Wang Xuan, there was disturbing movement in the large laboratory he escaped from.

    Then, Wang Xuan saw that it was a cage, in which a mechanical beast was imprisoned, with snow-white fangs and black metal scales covering its whole body.

    Looking carefully, it is actually a mental state, locked in a mental cage, and its shape is not much different from a tangible metal body, it looks very similar.

    It hit hard, but it didn't break free.  An experimenter in a lab coat personally opened the portal, and the spirit body of the mechanical beast rushed out, heading straight for Wang Xuan.

    Wang Xuan didn't hesitate. While getting ready, he could transcend the real world and enter the mist at any time, and at the same time sacrificed 6 holy objects in one breath.

    After the mechanical beast started to run, its size grew, and soon became as tall as a 10-story building.

    Then, like a blown balloon, its volume was still soaring, and it was as huge as a mountain, looking down on Wang Xuan.

    However, it also has a decaying smell, and the primordial spirit seems to be rotten.

    Its breath of dust has been severely eroded by the years and submerged by history, but it still broke out.  puff!

    The six holy objects flew together and hit theAfter driving here, following the direction guided by the scarlet lantern, he started on the road again. He wanted to explore further.

    This place has left various unsolved mysteries, involving the old saints and others. It was the last scene of the incident before the 17th century. He really wanted to find out the truth behind the fog.  On the way, the number of sky-bone fires plummeted to the point where they were almost invisible. There were also blood-colored lanterns, which were actually puddles of blood, and gradually became thinner.  As for the one-hundred-thousand-kilometer-long special horn, the hundreds-thousand-kilometer-long pale palm, etc., such giants have long since disappeared.

    After walking to the end, the blood lantern disappeared, the sky bone fire disappeared, and the front was dark, so deep that I couldn't see anything.  The whole world is silent

    Sheng, in this world, it seems that he is the only one. From ancient times to the present, there seems to be no other living beings.  At this moment, Wang Xuan thought of the great law of mental illness. There is no specific law, and everything is created by himself, and he is moving forward.

    However, that kind of introduction, that kind of description of the essence of the world, and the tone of explaining the world's solipsism, made him have some resonance and some associations here.  It seems that he is really the only one from ancient times to the present. Everything in the world, the universe, the galaxy, all races, and all kinds of creatures are the spreading and shining of the light of his heart.

    Everyone is him, the universe is true, the world is one, and all races are actually just one person.

    He shook his head, believing in the Fa is worse than being helpless.  I don't know if there will be some special reactions if I take out the withered and yellow page that contains the great law of mental illness and show it here.

    After all, this place can be regarded as the end of civilization, and it is even more cruel. This is the place where the old saints were destroyed.

    New chapter Chapter 524 The strange circle before the 17th century (page 3 / 3)

    Here dies.

    However, Wang Xuan can't take it out right now, the withered yellow paper is not in his Yuanshen domain, but in the world behind Mingtu.

    Finally, in the depths of the darkness, his spiritual eyes caught some subtle scenes, otherwise, if he continued walking like this, he would be a little worried that he would get lost.

    Lu Yun, Qi Yuan and the others reminded that in this section of the world, once you step into the inexplicable and dangerous darkness, you will easily get lost until the soul disappears!  The activity of the 6 sacred objects around Wang Xuan has increased a lot after arriving here!

    Without his urging at this moment, the 6 holy objects revolved around him by themselves, and even began to lead the way in front, actively advancing in the dark.

    This is really weird, he is looking at these primordial sacred objects that are exclusive to him.

    He inquired deeply and determined that these primordial sacred objects had no special and dangerous thoughts, etc. They just became agitated and active, but they were still in a state of ignorance and ignorance.

    He went all the way deep into the darkness, led by 6 holy relics.

    The scenery of the model lake that Wang Xuan saw earlier became clearer, and then gradually he could see it clearly.  It was a plant, like a Chlorophytum, rooted in the void, with leaves like a horse's lance, with a flat, sharp front end and a metallic luster.

    However, looking at it as a whole, it is withered, the main stems are all wilted, and only the tips of the leaves still have some cold luster, giving people a sense of danger.

    This is Wang Xuan was taken aback. He stared carefully and gradually had some guesses.

    Then, he looked far and wide, and there was also a glimmer of light on the road ahead, which was a rotten sword, also pierced in the dark void.

    It's very similar to the primordial sacred object!  Wang Xuan stood here motionless, unable to calm down, this road is actually guided by this kind of thing?  !

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